Sunday, July 10, 2005

Donate a link- it keeps the next visitor warmer

This relates to my last blogging about attention as power. (I just don't accept that the amount of people linked to your blog equals the authority of your message.)

In Finland we have cottages with public right of access. They are in wilderness and I have never used one. When you go there, everything is ready. You have firewood. You are tiered after a long walk. System works so that everyone makes the firewood for the next quest, because you should and because it makes sense. (It’s much nice to be able to start cooking straight away than try to find wet threes and make a fire.)

If this works in the wilderness – and people don’t know the next visitor – why should it work in virtual space? So let’s try a campaign “Donate a link”. Idea is that when you do to a site – like and browse through links, you might also donate one of your good links to public use. Donating links means sharing them and you don’t have to know the next guest.

(I know that this is much the same as Y! MyWeb 2.0. If you like it, use it. Or or Blinklist) I have tried to find out how Technorati counts links. I cannot figure it out. Also I have been playing with Blinklist.

I have made a small demonstration about one way to share links.
1) Users tag their links at Blinklist and
2) I have RSS feeds on my blog at "Video collection". It generates links that are tagged as "Exercise", "Martial arts", and "Health". In future it will be refined with a bolean operation of RSSfeeds.
3) Users are not publishing to this site, I am just sharing public links. And anyone can log in to a RSSFeed or use this site as it is.


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